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C. V. Akerlund Media Foundation
PL 14
33101 Tampere

Päivi Myllykangas
Tel. +358 40 743 6417

About Foundation

Are you looking for funding for your research, work or studies in the field of media?

C. V. Akerlund Foundation actively supports the development of expertise and education in the field of media. Its fundamental mission is to fund master’s theses, study trips, courses and research projects.

The foundation disburses hundreds of thousands of euros as grants and scholarships annually. All the professionals, students, scholars, corporations and societies of the multi-channel media can apply for a grant. The roots of the foundation are in Tampere but the grants are disbursed nationwide.

During the application period in March grants can be applied via the web page of the foundation.

Examples of given grants

  • Dissertations
  • Master’s theses
  • Vocational degrees
  • Professorships
  • Research projects
  • Allocated professional education projects
  • Scholarships
  • Study trips and language courses

Grants are not disbursed for the purchase of equipment or software.

The board in 2024

  • Master of Science, Tech. Mikko Toikkonen, Chairman
  • Senior Legal Counsel Hanna Listenmaa, Vice Chairman
  • Professor in Practise Matti Apunen
  • Manager, Media Relations Marko Erola
  • Degree Director Anne Leppäjärvi 
  • Journalist, researcher Olli Seuri
  • Partner Tanu-Matti Tuominen

The Executive Director of the foundation is Päivi Myllykangas